…pay close attention – because you’ll get a lot out of this.If you need to close sales on the phone in your business, then I’ve outlined below a fairly simple, step by step approach you can use to give you and your sales team every chance of significantly boosting your conversion rate.
It’s a process that I used to use to close a lot of sales and keep our conversion rate for customised tours, corporate events and extended tours hovering around the 20%-25% mark, which was of course vital to our success.
Because we’ve all heard it: Sales are the lifeblood of your business
But I also reckon sales have a bad rep and rightly so because so many people go about sales in the completely wrong way and end up wasting time, draining resources, and damaging team morale when they can’t close.
But, good sales is like having a good marriage: Both you and the customer should get something positive out of it – and feel good about it.When I was running my tour business, I tried to approach sales like this.
Imagine you are already hugely wealthy and have everything you could ever need. Your business is outrageously successful… and this sale is irrelevant to your success. It means nothing to you – you don’t need the sale. You just want to help.
My goal was to end a sales call leaving that other person inspired and motivated about taking the next step. To booking a tour or an event with MPTSo, if you feel like you’re always leaving a lot of money on the table, and that you and your sales team aren’t closing enough enquiries (or wasting too much time on too many sales calls), take note of this process. It’s something anybody can follow…and it really works.
**But before I dive into the steps.. I reckon that if you’re serious about increasing your conversion, you really do need to be generating a big chunk of your sales through calls – and even one-to-one meetings if possible, rather than converting via email. Once you start getting people on the phone and selling effectively, you just watch what happens to your conversion rate and to the bottom line of your business.
A lot of people avoid selling on the phone because it makes them uncomfortable, they don’t do it well…and they see it as a waste of their time. I saw it as the opposite – a really effective way to spend 30 minutes to give myself the best possible chance of converting a piece of business worth 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 or even 20,000 dollars.**
But anyway, on to the steps!
1. Put a spotlight on your customers’ desires, frustrations or challenges
Your first step is to help your prospect appreciate what it is that they desire, so the beginning of every sales call needs to focus on them, their story and what brought them to you – or what brought them to be interested in your destination, or the style of experiences you offer — so you can find some common ground.
You have to understand their situation, and where they currently are on their decision making journey. Listen to them. Ask them about their life, past experiences, and sit back as they tell you their story. Takes notes and take it all in, and then flip their focus onto their current situation by asking,
How’ve your recent trips been? Tell me more…
So can you tell me a little about a recent company event you organised? Tell me more…
This simple kind of a question is a powerful one. It’s rare you’ll come across someone who is completely content with what they’ve done before
They’ll likely share some good experiences with you, but also focus on trip’s or experiences that might not have lived up to expectation
Take notes as they tell you about their past pains, problems and challenges. You don’t need to illuminate their recent frustrations or desires, because with that simple question they’ll do it on their own.
2. Visualize their vision.